LC Packaging is a member of
UN Global Compact
With our Bangladeshi production location Dutch-Bangla Pack-Ltd., LC Packaging is now a proud member of the UN Global Compact (UNGC), operating according to the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact.
Our production partners are
SA 8000 certified
Three of our main production partners for FIBCs, which includes our own production facility for FIBCs in Bangladesh, Dutch-Bangla Pack Ltd., are now SA 8000 certified. LC Packaging is the only company in the world to have reached this milestone.
LC is FSC® Certified
Also in 2015: LC Packaging Netherlands and LC Packaging Belgium were FSC® certified. This certification applies to our CARDBOARD division, who received the FSC® certificate specifically for cardboard packaging and corrugated cardboard. FSC® is a global forest certification and stands for the Forest Stewardship Council ® . This is an international non-governmental organisation dedicated to promoting responsible management of the world’s forests.
Introduction of Global Supplier Code of Conduct
LC Packaging has introduced the Global Supplier Code of Conduct for all our production partners to sign and to commit to. The code prescribes values and principles to which LC Packaging has committed worldwide:non-negotiable minimum standards that we ask our production partners to respect and to adhere to when conducting business. The Code is based on, among others, the principles of the UN Global Compact and SA 8000 standards.
LC is EcoVadis Certified
We are pleased to announce that LC Packaging Group is EcoVadis certified. EcoVadis provides the leading solution for monitoring sustainability in global supply chains. This certificate is a reward for our vision and efforts in the field of CSR worldwide and complements our extensive portfolio of certificates, including the SA 8000.
WorldBag FIBC
reconditioning service
WorldBag, part of the LC Packaging Group since 2009, is LC’s reconditioning and recycling brand for FIBCs. In 2015, this sustainable service for our customers was integrated into our FIBC packaging proposals. WorldBag not only offers an environmentally friendly solution for our customers, it also has cost savings as a result. WorldBag is ISO 14001 certified.
Corporate Social Responsibility
Since starting our family business, LC Packaging has been looking beyond tomorrow. We take into consideration the next generations, our employees, our customers and our production partners. Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) are an important subject in our daily operations. In 2015, LC Packaging also took important steps to take more responsibility for the supply chain and set an example.
LC Packaging
is a member of
UN Global Compact
Introduction of
Global Supplier
Code of Conduct
LC is FSC®
Our production partners
are SA 8000 certified
LC is
WorldBag FIBC
Coming up in 2016