Certification news
In September 2015 the ISO 9001;2008 standard was revised. At the beginning of 2016, LC Packaging (Netherlands and Hungary) was one of the first companies to be certified according to the new standards introduced. In addition to this, LC Netherlands, United Kingdom and Belgium are now BRC S&D certified, while Belgium also maintained the BRC Packaging standard (new standard). Furthermore, our WorldBag FIBC reconditioning facility was ISO 14001 re-certified (environmental standard).
New offices France and Ireland
In 2016 our teams in France (Nantes) and Ireland, moved into new offices. The French head office in Sainte Marie remains unchanged. Please check out the new contact details here.
New Division: LC Packaging Global
An important development in 2016 has been the launch of
LC Packaging Global. We believe a stronger focus and the
centralisation of our global activities allows us to better serve our worldwide customers in countries where we have no local sales operations, and meet their growing demand. LC Packaging Global operates from our Head Office in the Netherlands.
S.G. Baker now LC Packaging
S.G. Baker, acquired by LC Packaging in 2014, officially changed its name to LC Packaging UK Ltd. in 2016. Having offices, distribution facilities and production locations in three continents, LC Packaging wishes to communicate its business practices through one single identity. LC Packaging UK Ltd. now exists in the form of three teams: in Friockheim, Scotland and Long Sutton and Grantham, England. The S.G. Baker web shop is still available and active!
Country Manager LC Packaging France
Contact me through:
Peter van Ettro
Karoly Balogh
Country Manager Romania
About working at LC
“I am proud when I am allowed to speak about the company that I represent. At LC Packaging we work closely together as a team, both internationally and locally. Our team in Romania is focused, professional and passionate about the business. We help each other where necessary, celebrate together when we have good results and cry together when we make losses. During high season we stay at the office until all the work is done and we compensate for these additional hours with a good barbecue when we have some free time.
Karoly started his career at LC Packaging in Romania (Sfintu Gheorge). And with the help of his management team in Hungary he started to build LC Romania as it is today. Starting with a warehouse and travelling all around Romania to explore market opportunities and the demand for packaging. They started by selling raschel bags to potato and vegetable growers, followed by small PP bags for mill and seed companies and for the animal nutrition market. Today Karoly is Country Manager for Romania and has a team of six driven employees.
“Romania is a big country with many opportunities. I always say: “We are in a good place at a good time“, because Romania is increasingly developing. A lot of EU funding has gone into the agricultural business, bringing changes to the farms and altering famers’ mentality. They are more open now to new and higher quality packaging solutions. As a company with a lot of experience, an innovative stance and a variety of packaging solutions, we have a lot to offer our customers.”
About the Romanian market
“Year after year the Romanian office has been experiencing healthy growth. Of course, our aim is to become market leader in agri-packaging and we also wish to expand our market by introducing the LC FIBC solutions.”
This is Karoly
“I am Karoly Balogh, 32 years old and a Romanian citizen whose mother tongue is Hungarian. I graduated from University in 2007, majoring in Food and Agricultural Economics. During my studies I took part in many projects analysing agricultural potential in different regions of Romania. I spend my free time with my beautiful family and very sweet three-year old daughter.”
Karoly Balogh - Country Manager Romania
Chief Financial Officer
Contact me through:
Edwin de Bruin
Katie Brown
Country Manager Scotland
About the scottish market
“The Seed Potato Market is a major part of our business and the SG Baker name was synonymous with this sector. My aim is to continue the SGB legacy under the LC Packaging name and to aid this sector’s development in the years ahead. For the future, we also need to focus on developing in other sectors where we have local and group expertise. As a jumping-off point we can see great potential in the Animal Nutrition, Aggregates and Root Vegetable sectors.”
About LC Packaging moving to Scotland
“I enjoy the diversity at LC and being part of a company which is moving in such a positive direction. I am continually learning and developing as a manager with the support of the LC group. The move from Norfolk to Angus seems like a huge step to take, my Father is Scottish and after spending many summers in Scotland it has always been a country that holds a special place in my heart. So I saw the move as a perfect opportunity to develop my career, within a company that I truly believe in and in a place that I love. So how could I say no?!”
Katie joined LC Packaging back in November 2009 as an Internal Sales Representative for Agri Export packaging, involved in every aspect of the business from procurement to sale. She progressed into the role of Business Development Manager in 2013 and in February 2016 she moved to Scotland to head up the S.G. Baker business unit (since this year a part of LC Packaging United Kingdom) at Friockheim in the position of Country Manager Scotland.
This is Katie
“My aim is to be a positive role model for my son and my colleagues. I am determined to realise my potential and as such I put my all into my work. Thankfully, I am a married to a very understanding man! And since going back to work in 2009, I have been on a journey of discovery in terms of personal development and I look forward to seeing where it will take me.”
Katie Brown - Country Manager Scotland
Apaches (Belgium)
Image Packaging (United Kingdom)
Geerings Horticulture Products (United Kingdom)
Dutch-Bangla Pack (Bangladesh)
LC Shankar (South Africa)
Pacapime (Belgium)
Pacapime (Hungary)
WorldBag (Netherlands) Reconditioning of FIBCs
LC Packaging International (HQ)
LC Packaging Africa
LC Packaging Belgium
LC Packaging France
LC Packaging Germany
LC Packaging Hungary
LC Packaging Ireland
LC Packaging Netherlands
LC Packaging Nordics
LC Packaging Romania
LC Packaging Spain
LC Packaging United Kingdom
Katie Brown
Karoly Balogh
S.G. Baker now LC Packaging
Certification news
New office in France and Ireland
LC Packaging Global
Other Brands
Production Locations
Offices and Warehouses
After a few years of substantial expansion, just as in 2015, 2016 has been more a year of consolidation. Each LC office is now focusing on increasing the professionalization of its organisation and further strengthening its market position.
LC Packaging