Interactive information tool
In 2016, we will launch a high-level, interactive information tool telling the LC story. This story is for our people to present to our customers. A beautiful overview of our services, vision and benefits, including our view on quality, sustainability and CSR, and the benefits of a long-term partnership.
Talent Management
In 2016, we will further professionalise our international HR activities with the introduction of special software for talent management: TalentExcellence. This tool will help us structure our planning and review cycle digitally, recognise and stimulate talent and centralise conversations between managers and employees.
Call-off order site
Also in 2016, the regular web shop will be extended with a call-off order site. This is an additional service, providing our customers with real-time insights in their contracts and stock, so they can easily place call-off orders.
International webshop
In 2016, we will launch a web shop, which is directly linked and fully integrated with our SAP Software. Web shop customers can choose from an extensive range of packaging products and have insight in their quotations, invoices and order history, and can easily place a repeat order.
Forecast 2016
2016 offers a diversified picture. Although there are signs of an economic recovery in some parts of Europe, the slow down in China and South America, resulting in a decrease of export from Europe to those parts of the world, has an impact on LC Packaging. Furthermore, the prices of minerals have dropped considerably resulting in a sharp decline of mining activities and a decrease in demand for FIBCs.
Having said that, a recovery in Europe and in other parts of the world, such as Africa, could be just the wind at our backs we are looking for in 2016. We expect a modest overall sales growth of about 3-5%We look forward to serving you again in 2016!
Yours faithfully,
Lucas Lammers
CEO LC Packaging
Interactive information tool
order site
Latest developments
Coming up in 2016