Expansion of international Quality Team
Audited and approved in high care food segment
Certification news
Quality is our best business model.
That is why we are committed to quality.
Annual Report 2018
Expansion of international Quality Team
Quality has always been our best business model and it is a constant factor in the service we deliver. To reach the highest level of quality, we continuously look beyond the strengths of our packaging. We are unique in our sector, thanks to our dedicated in-house quality department, who guarantee the quality of our products and service. Quality requires constant attention and investment. As such, our quality team also expanded in 2018. We now have 3 international Quality Managers who work on our Quality Strategy and Global quality initiatives and support our 11 local Quality Managers.
Audited and approved in high care food segment
The food industry faces a lot of challenges when it comes to food safety, especially in terms of the choice of packaging. Only a few types of packaging and production locations meet the strict food safe requirements. In 2018 multiple top-5 players in among others the dairy industry audited and approved our FIBC production location in Bangladesh – Dutch-Bangla Pack Ltd. (DBPL) – and Shankar Packagings, our long-term production partner in India for the manufacturing of their high-care food FIBCs. A beautiful reward for our commitment to quality, multiple investments in our state-of-the-art cleanrooms and our Foodsafe Assurance Programme.
Certification news
LC Netherlands and LC United Kingdom renewed their BRC S&D issue 3 certificates with AA Rating, while LC Belgium renewed its BRC issue 5 high hygiene, with AA rating. LC Netherlands, International and Global all now have ISO 9001:2015. Both LC Netherlands and LC Belgium retained their FSC® certification. Wood and paper products originating form an FSC® certified forest can be recognised by the FSC® label. Labeling our cardboard products and promoting them with the FSC trademarks also helps customers to make informed decisions about the products and materials they purchase. Something our customers are increasingly asking for.
Richard Macro, Amela Hamzic and Hana Sanderse