Community development
Capacity development
Challenging times
Partnership in solutions
In the
Annual Report 2018
For 95 years, our long-term partnerships have been the key to our success.
Partnership in community development
In January 2017, LC Packaging founded the LC Supports Foundation. The foundation’s purpose is to contribute to improving the well-being of the environment and communities in areas where LC Packaging operates, and contribute to the SDGs set by the UN. With the help of local partners, we have set up exciting new projects. In January 2018, we started with our Waste Pickers project in Bangladesh. Together with local NGO GramBangla and Child Hope UK, we set up a skills training programme for waste pickers working in poor conditions on the Mutual Dumping site in Dhaka, Bangladesh. After completing the programme, trainees are offered a job at our SA 8000 certified FIBC production location. And to combat socio-economic issues in South Africa and in an attempt to fight the war on waste, we started a partnership with the South Africa Green Berets. Together, we sponsor a group of youngsters who take part in a ‘Hygiene and Cleaning learnership’. Their ultimate goal is to become recycling and waste specialists, start their own business to provide employment, and help to clean the streets of Johannesburg.
More on our projects:
Partnership in capacity development
In 2017, the Dutch Development Bank (FMO) decided to fund our Capacity Development Project in Bangladesh, including a twofold environmental footprint research, our recycling unit and an extensive waste reduction project. This project was completed in January 2019. To celebrate our partnership and the progress of this project, all parties involved came together in May 2018, for a ceremonial signing session at our FIBC production location in Bangladesh: Dutch-Bangla Pack Ltd. Representatives from the FMO, The Prime Bank Ltd and the Dutch Embassy in Bangladesh were present, including the then Dutch Ambassador to Bangladesh, Mrs Leoni Cuelenaere, who was always openly supportive of our efforts. We would like to thank all parties involved. Without you, this would not have been possible.
Partnership during more challenging times
As LC Packaging is present in so many different markets, we regularly face customer setbacks. We have the luxury to respond in a flexible, understanding way, as we have a strong foundation. It is important to always find the best solution, together with our production partners and customers. Because of the enormous drought in the past year, many potato and onion farmers had to contend with an extremely disappointing harvest, affecting the whole of Europe and the entire chain. For LC Packaging, this meant that a large part of our packaging was not sold and for our production partners, this meant a drop in production. Together with our partners, we came up with a strategy to limit the damage, by making concessions in such a way that we could all survive a year like this. We offered our customers storage facilities for the packaging not just for this year, but that would be perfectly fine to use the next.
Partnership in solutions
LC Packaging and Pacapime are working towards the so-called Common Footprint Quality Standard (CFQ), promising top-quality corrugated packaging that is stackable and fit-for-purpose to handle and transport fruit and vegetables efficiently. For the fruit and vegetable supply chain, this means supply chain simplicity, cross-border compatibility, optimised transportation and assured quality.
Fact: Corrugated packaging cares for the environment too: it’s 100% natural, 100% renewable, 100% biodegradable and 100% recyclable. Used trays are baled, and can be sent to a local recycling facility or paper mill. More than that, corrugated packaging is made of 88% recycled materials. CFQ trays’ stackability optimises truck space and transportation, saving energy and costs, while reducing CO2 emissions. More information on
Packaging solutions in the media
In 2018, we saw a few wonderful expressions of our packaging in the media and on social media. We would like to share with you a beautiful article published at Christmas by Royal Mail, the UK’s largest post and parcel company, included extremely beautiful pictures of our post bags.
View article Royal Mail