Message from the CEO
Reliable and Loyal
LC has a bright future ahead, thanks to your continuous support.
Message from the CEO
Reliable and Loyal
LC has a bright future ahead, thanks to your continuous support.
Dear Stakeholder,
The year 2018 is history, although decisions taken in 2018 will have effect on coming years. This is exactly why we publish our Annual Report, to inform you of developments within LC Packaging and what this means for our colleagues all over the world and for the society at large.
At LC Packaging we feel the responsibility not only to measure our results in monetary terms, but also in the effect we have on the world around us. The jobs we create, the investments we make and the time and money we spend on simply creating better world.
Needless to say, we understand that as a partner of LC, you expect LC to deliver on its promise: to be Committed, Reliable and Loyal! We sincerely hope we did not let you down in 2018 and will not do so in the coming years. We are in it for the long run. LC is an old company, 95 years old, but young at heart with a bright future ahead. Thanks to your continuous support.
Yours faithfully,
Lucas Lammers
CEO LC Packaging