Executive board members

Germany’s most successful year so far

Records tumbling in South Africa

Annual Report 2017


We have the best people, that is why our people are our greatest asset.

Employee Satisfaction 

Talent Management

Richard Green

Country Manager South Africa 


South Africa

tumbling in


I’m 45 years old and I’m passionate about people... Family, colleagues, suppliers and customers, people, people, people, they make the world go round.

I have been involved in packaging, in one form or another since 1994. From selling printing and extrusion equipment to supplying Coca Cola with bottles and labels. FIBCs may be a different product but the fundamentals remain the same, invest in people, look after your suppliers and equipment and the customer will automatically be cared for...

A customer-centric culture
We are fortunate to form part of an excellent LC Africa team. The South African team is wonderfully young and dynamic. Made up predominantly of culturally diverse millennials, the team tends to think differently and is certainly

motivated by a sense of purpose. A customer-centric culture ensures that we are continuously looking for ways to improve on what we, as a company, offer the market in Southern Africa.

Having our own FIBC operation
(LC Shankar) certainly adds a different dimension to our offering and enables us to service a wide range of markets, from the diverse mining industry, to chemicals, cement and food products.

Thorsten Classen

Country Manager Germany 
& Global IKAM Sales Manager


year so far

most succesful


I’m (almost) 45 years old, I’ve been married 21 years and I have a son. My professional life started in the chemical industry, working for a global market leader. I climbed up the sales ladder, eventually becoming a territory manager for Germany. 

From there, I moved to a more international role as global IKAM sales manager and country manager in various industries, including paper, hygiene, medical and food. After 20 years I joined LC Packaging, because the dynamic, reliable, innovative, internationally oriented family business appealed to me greatly. I have been the managing director for LC Packaging Germany since 2013.

Germany, Austria and Switzerland
LC Packaging Germany, one of the younger affiliates, will be celebrating its 15th anniversary in 2018. After an important strategy change in 2014,

leading to a complete focus on FIBCs, the loyal and dedicated team are now central to sales, warehousing and technical customer service in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Additionally, we play an important role in international key account management. Our key markets are specialty chemicals, construction, recycling, and food and food ingredients.

LC Packaging Group


Executive board

Besides the executive board, Mr Paul Pissens and Mr Ludo Pissens are closely involved in all major decisions taken, in their capacity as shareholders and owners of Pacapime nv and non-executive members of the board.

Our people are our greatest asset. One of our areas of focus is to identify and to nurture talent, and create beneficial opportunities for personal development at all levels of the company. This is why we invested in educating and training our people. In 2017, 50% of our employees completed an external training session. This, compared to 20% in 2016.




In 2017 we conducted our yearly Employee Satisfaction Survey, with an overwhelming response rate of 96%. 86% of our employees say they enjoy going to work in the morning. Based on these outcomes we have given extra attention to personal development opportunities, cultural differences and celebrating success.




We have the best people, that is why our people are our greatest asset.

Annual Report 2017


and welcomed some new customers to our LC Family.

Equally as important to the team, we participated in several local CSR initiatives involving the elderly, the disadvantaged and our special “Home of Hope” project.

Growth through collaboration
Our vision is to grow both the South African and Southern African market through collaboration with LCSH and our production partners, by focusing on blue chip customers who use significant quantities of FIBCs, have a consistent demand and who appreciate that we provide a quality product and service at a margin which allows us to do so on a sustainable basis. Our focus is on growing and having fun as a team while we do so.

Always nearby
We are always near our customers… Or as we say in South Africa, “Local is lekker” – we have a factory in Pietermaritzburg, LC Shankar, which has recently undergone an expansion exercise whereby we doubled our capacity. Plans are being finalised for phase two, which will see a further increase in output while retaining our reputation for a quality product, a standard that will certainly not be compromised. Further to this, we have warehousing and representation in Namibia and Johannesburg, and even a facility in Ndola, deep in the Copperbelt (Zambia).

Records tumbling
2017 has been a great year with records tumbling: Highest turnover month and highest turnover year in the history of LC Packaging Africa. Record tonnage output at LC Shankar and, in the end, record profits. Competition has been fierce, but by staying true to our strategy we have managed to retain the customers whose values mirror our own  

motivated by a sense of purpose. A customer-centric culture ensures that we are continuously looking for ways to improve on what we, as a company, offer the market in Southern Africa.

Having our own FIBC operation
(LC Shankar) certainly adds a different dimension to our offering and enables us to service a wide range of markets, from the diverse mining industry, to chemicals, cement and food products.

I have been involved in packaging, in one form or another since 1994. From selling printing and extrusion equipment to supplying Coca Cola with bottles and labels. FIBCs may be a different product but the fundamentals remain the same, invest in people, look after your suppliers and equipment and the customer will automatically be cared for...

A customer-centric culture
We are fortunate to form part of an excellent LC Africa team. The South African team is wonderfully young and dynamic. Made up predominantly of culturally diverse millennials, the team tends to think differently and is certainly

I’m 45 years old and I’m passionate about people... Family, colleagues, suppliers and customers, people, people, people, they make the world go round.

Richard Green

Country Manager South Africa 

South Africa

tumbling in



and improve our environmental footprint. LC Packaging Germany partnered with a number of customers in the food and food ingredient industry, leading to partnerships with food producers in various market segments.

Our customers’ favourite partner
We have a very positive outlook for 2018. LC Packaging’s proposition fits in very well with the future needs of the German market, namely our premium quality, transparency, financial stability, and no-holds-barred approach to development, cost improvement, supply chain and CSR. By staying close to our customers and being fast and proactive, we will continue to be our customers’ favourite partner for flexible Packaging.

Quality, sustainable and responsible
Our focus on FIBCs, combined with the resources of the extensive LC Packaging network, means that we are a highly specialised partner with a unique proposition. We offer our customers high quality big bags, produced sustainably and responsibly, with care for the environment and the people involved. Our supply chain means that we can combine best-in-class production locations in Asia with warehousing and back-up production locations in Europe. All of this makes us a desirable partner for the German market.

Innovation and partnerships
2017 was the company’s most successful year so far, thanks to a number of developments. There were a number of investments in sustainability projects with our partners and innovations in product development together with our customers. Upgrades in product design and the German recycling market helped us save costs 

leading to a complete focus on FIBCs, the loyal and dedicated team are now central to sales, warehousing and technical customer service in Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Additionally, we play an important role in international key account management. Our key markets are specialty chemicals, construction, recycling, and food and food ingredients.

From there, I moved to a more international role as global IKAM sales manager and country manager in various industries, including paper, hygiene, medical and food. After 20 years I joined LC Packaging, because the dynamic, reliable, innovative, internationally oriented family business appealed to me greatly. I have been the managing director for LC Packaging Germany since 2013.

Germany, Austria and Switzerland
LC Packaging Germany, one of the younger affiliates, will be celebrating its 15th anniversary in 2018. After an important strategy change in 2014,

I’m (almost) 45 years old, I’ve been married 21 years and I have a son. My professional life started in the chemical industry, working for a global market leader. I climbed up the sales ladder, eventually becoming a territory manager for Germany. 

Thorsten Classen

Country Manager Germany 
& Global IKAM Sales Manager

year so far

most succesful



Director Agri Packaging

Boudewijn van Fraassen

Marcel Schouten

Director Industrial Packaging

Edwin de Bruin

Chief Financial Officer

Director Europe LC Packaging

Nick Jansen

Chief Executive Officer

Lucas Lammers


Executive board

LC Packaging Group